Nurturing Young Minds at Fremont
Opened in 2007, Mission San Jose Children's Center has been providing high quality child care programs for the community for over 18 years. At MSJCC, we specialize in a Montessori environment for preschoolers aged 2-6, fostering growth, creativity, and a love for learning.
About Us
Our Philosophy
To help your child build a positive self-image, self-esteem.
To set up a loving and caring environment for helping your child to succeed.
To help you child practice positive discipline.
To build an stimulating and self-motivating environment to help your child build a strong foundation of academic work, and help child to be successful in the future.
To help your child develops intellectual, social and leadership.
To help you child respect and to be responsible for our natural environment.
Mission San Jose Children’s House is staffed by a highly qualified teacher and assistant teachers. Head teacher has held early childhood education master degree with AMI, AMS Montessori training Diplomas. Assist teachers are qualified by licensing in early childhood education credits.
Our Goals
Our Staff
We believe and respect each child is a unique individual. Teachers are trained to prepare an enriched environment, with appropriate limits to help each child to learn at his own pace. We believe each child can develop his full potential. We encourage our student to be self-motivated in learning that will lead to a long-term pursuit of knowledge and skills.
We also believe parents are the most significant adults in your child’s life. Parents are encouraged to help us to create a supportive community, so children learn to be responsible and aware of their own needs and others.
We believe we are all part of the world. We help children to discover everyone’s differences, and similarities, identify his own culture and respect others. Respect for the earth, our natural environment.
Early Childhood Education & Maria Montessori
Maria Montessori was an Italian physician and educator best known for her philosophy of education - the Montessori method.
Her vision was to make the environment more appropriate to meet the needs of the child, not the adult. The child has within them a developmental pattern and all we as adults need to do is allow the characteristics to come out, so the inborn pattern can be realized.
"Tell me, I’ll forget
Show me, I’ll remember
Involve me, I’ll understand..."
--Maria Montessori
Practical Life
Practical life builds self-confidence and gross motor skills by practicing daily tasks. Practical life lessons are self-correcting in terms of the sequence of the exercise. Children become fully mature and secure as individuals through these tasks. Children build ownership and confidence in their environment as they learn to take care of the Montessori school program classroom.
The child is urged by nature from within to explore his environment with his senses. Sensorial materials are designed for the purpose of assisting the child in classification, refinement, and reclassification. The basic features of the sensorial materials are isolated by size, volume, width, length, texture, temperature, color, shape, sound, and form to allow the child to differentiate on a single characteristic.
The language work is the most important aspect in the preschool Montessori classroom. Language is an expression of the child's inner being. Through language, he expresses who he is and what his desires are and knowledge he has to acquire in his environment. Language lessons start with the simple sound identification, to reading and writing sentences, and even story writing and grammar.
Science and Culture
We provide the opportunities that the child uses sensorial senses to experience and absorb with concrete materials and experiments. The children will study the life cycle of animals, geography, density experiments, among others. The children will study cultures from around the world and share in the customs of different cultures through the year.
Schedule a tour and talk to our teachers to know more about our philosophies.
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Mathematical mind is related to human tendencies, such as exploration, order, and orientation. Mathematics is the ability to take concrete idea, to imagine it as an abstraction, to make a mental picture of the abstraction, and apply the abstraction to new circumstances. The mathematical mind is related to reason and calculation. All children have the potential to enjoy and excel in the study of mathematics.